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Unit Title: Exploring Emotions
#1 One Person but Many Emotions
Submitted by Kimberlie Peterson
Students will...
* identify emotions they are familiar with.
* recognize the many different emotions people can feel.
* identify different reasons people feel emotions.
Students will...
* Compare and contrast the way emotions are associated with colors in their native culture with how they are associated in other cultures.
Language: Content Obligatory
Students will...
* Use the present tense form of the verb "to be" to express how they or a classmate is feeling using the following vocabulary words in phrases such as: "I am sad, She is ecstatic, They are confused."
exhausted, confused, ecstatic, guilty, suspicious, angry, hysterical, frustrated, sad, confident, embarrassed, happy, mischievous, disgusted, frightened, enraged, ashamed, cautious, smug, depressed, overwhelmed, hopeful, lonely, lovestruck, jealous, bored, surprised, anxious, shocked,shy
use the casual connector "because" to explain how they think a book character or classmate is feeling. For example, "She is ashamed because she got a bad grade on her report card. He is anxious because he keeps looking at his watch."
Language: Content Compatible
Students will...
* Use second person singular verbs in the present tense to form simple questions to find out how classmates are feeling: "How are you feeling today? How are you? Why do you look so sad? Why are you smiling?"
* Use present tense to indicate agreement/disagreement when identifying emotions with phrases like, "I think ____ because ____" or "I disagree/agree because ____".
Learning Strategies / Social and Skills Development:
Students will...
* Brainstorm emotions using a concept map
* Discuss a story that illustrates a person and their emotions in particular circumstances.
* Work in groups using emotions cards/sticks to practice asking each other how they feel.
Time Frame:
Three lessons of 40 minutes each
Materials Needed:
* Book: The Way I Feel by Janan Cain (Can be found at 'Barnes and Noble' stores or online)
* Poster "How Are You Feeling Today?"
* "Emotions Web" handout for each student and an overhead copy for the teacher
* rubric for final presentation
* notecards or popsicle sticks with the 30 emotions from the poster written on each one
* Venn Diagram titled "Colors, Feelings and Culture". Make at
Description of Task:
** Session 1 **
1.The teacher skips into the room with a smile in his/her face humming or whistling and asks, "How do you think I feel today?" Students are given an opportunity to respond. Each response is written by the teacher as a line out from their web on the overhead. Teacher asks more probing questions such as, "how do you know?" What clues did you use to come to that conclusion?" The answers to these questions are written on the web connecting to that "happy" emotion. Once students have watched and participated verbally in a discussion about the happy emotion the teacher illustrated with his/her actions, pass out the webs for each student. Students copy the information from the overhead and then add any additions.
2. Do a THINK/PAIR/SHARE to brainstorm more emotions that students are familiar with: 1 minute to think. 1 minute to pair with a partner, whispering what they came up with and adding
any more ideas. 2 minute (MAX) blitz to share with the larger group all the emotions they could think of. Teacher lists quickly on the board (Not on the overhead sheet - List needs to be orgamized into the web later.)
During Task:
3. After the list is complete with emotions the children are familiar with, pick out a few common ones in your head (ie: sad, afraid, mad) ask for volunteers to act out each emotion while the rest of the class watches.
Once each emotion is acted out, add them to the web, modeling on the overhead while they write them down on their own maps. Talk about each one as you go. 1. "When do you feel that way?" 2. "Why do people feel that way?"
After the actors are done and the information is on the concept map, add the other emotions from the list and talk about them. 1. "When do you feel that way?" 2. "Why do people feel that way?" Responses should be added to the web.
4. At this point introduce the unit: "Exploring our Emotions" to the students. Give them an overview of what will happen in the upcoming week:
* We will be reading a Story called "The Way I Feel," by Janan Cain
* We will be learning more about the many different emotions to create power point/hyperstudio presentations to teach the younger/or newer ESL students about emotions. You now know you will be making school easier for others.
* Projects will include synonyms, cognates, poems, and stories that illustrate each particular emotion.
5. Pass out the rubric and explain the project guidelines and what is expected in detail. Collect again to distribute closer to the final deadline. Post one for reference in the room.
6. Pass out the graphic organizer titled, "What Color Do you Think of?" They fill it in for themselves. What colors do they think of for each emotion?
7. Introduce the book "The Way I Feel" by Janan Cain. Tell students we will take a picture walk before reading the book. They will be asked to guess how the main character is feeling based on the pictures. Student will use the phrase, "I think ______ feels ________ because _____________.
During Task:
8. After the picture walk, the class will read "The Way I Feel" by Janan Cain together: If every child can have their own copy to follow along in all the better, but otherwise the teacher can read it aloud to the children stopping along the way to discover, by asking probing questions:
* If our guesses were correct.
* the reasons the character feels the different emotions
* The differences between more hard to distinguish emotions such as angry vs. dissappointed or jealous, happy vs. proud or excited etc.
* colors that they notice are associated with the emotions: red = angry, yellow = happy, gray=sad etc. They will fill in the graphic organizer for each emotion illustrated in the book.
9. Once the story is finished review the colors used in the story associated with different emotions. Ask students to share any similarities bewtween the colors they think of and the ones used in the book.
10. In the remaining spaces, they can fill in names of people in their family. At home, students can interview family members to find out what colors they think of for some of the more common emotions.
** Session 2 **
1. Add any new emotions to the web (From yesterday's lesson or emotions they talked about with their family members).
2. Have students take out their homework from the following night. Using the same graphic oraganizer students used for their homework, introduce the following video clips using a globe or map to indicate where the video was filmed and what culture the people are from. Ask students to pay careful attention to color during each clip:
* Life is Beautiful, a film by Roberto Benigni. Culture: Italian, Focus: Scene 2. Green.
* It All Starts Today, a film by Bertrand Tavernier. Culture: French, Focus: Scene titled "A Big Party". Multicolored.
* The Road Home, a film by Zhang Yimou. Culture: Chinese, Focus: Scene 28. Red.
**Note to teacher. These are scenes depicting the emotion of happiness where a focal color stands out above the others. Try to prepare students to look for this as they watch these scenes.
3. After the video, students should be divided into small groups of 3 or 4 to compare their observations with their neighbors.
4. As a whole group, review the clips again stopping to talk about student impressions. Compare these color choices with what they discoverd after talking to their families and also reading "The Way I Feel". What are the differences? What are the similarities? What more do students want to discover? Use a Venn diagram titled: Colors, Feelings and Culture.
5. Introduce the poster by Creative Therapy Associates as a reference for students. Explain that we will be working more with it as the week progresses. Allow student time to check out all the faces and find the emotion that best fits how they are feeling today.
6. Once they have picked out a face that fits them, ask them to copy the emotion and write a paragraph explaing how they are feeling for homework in preparation for the next lesson
** Session 3 **
1. Review key phrases they will need for the task with them on the board:
* How is s/he?
* s/he is ___________ because _________.
* How are you?/How are you feeling today?
* I am ____________. or I'm ___________.
* I think ____________ because _____________.
* I agree/disagree because ___________________.
2. Break the students into groups of five students. Each student will receive an emotion card or stick (depending on what you prepared). Each person will be asked to act out their emotion for their classmates who will then guess what emotion they are "feeling". Once the feeling is guessed, each group will use the assigned roles below, to practice talking about feelings:
* Time Keeper: This student ensures that only 4 minutes is spent on each emotion.
* Interviewer: This person will ask each person in the group each of the above questions. After each person answers the question, "How is s/he?", The interviewer then asks the actor, "How are you?". The interviewer will be interviewed last by the first person s/he interviewed.
* Language Facilitator: Listens carefully to language used by the students. Helps provide vocabulary and correct structures by monitoring the language with that written on the board.
* Emotion monitors (2): the rest of the people in the group will monitor the understanding of the emotions: (If Bobby had happy on his stick but frowned when he acted out his emotion, the monitors need to speak up using the practiced language.)
During -Task:
1. The students form a circle on the floor. Using four (4) minutes for each emotion, they will act, interview and discuss. The teacher is circulating to check progress, answer questions and listen for new vocabulary and correct use of expressions.
1. (If time) Students will come back to the large group and willing actors will come up to act out their emotion and get students to guess how they feel. Short discussions will follow each act using the language on the board.
2. Students share their findings from the interviewing process they did the night before with their families. Compile the data and look for simmilarities and differences between the two cultures regarding color associations.
3. Students will add any emotions or describing words to their concept web that they started at the beginning of the lesson.
Students will use their web and the phrases from the board to write what they learned/did today including any new vocabulary and describing the emotions using the phrases practiced in the small group session.
Completed webs can be turned in to the teacher to see how deep the understanding is of each emotion. Informal observation should happen as students work in groups.
References and Resources:
Cain, Janan. (2000). The Way I Feel. Parenting Press
Purchase at
It All Starts Today directed by Bertrand Tavernier found at Hollywood Video for a rental fee of approximately $4.00 or purchased online at
Life is Beautiful directed by Roberto Benigni found at Hollywood video for a rental feel of approximately $4.00 or purchased online at
The Road Home directed by Zhang Yimou found at Hollywood Vieo for a rental fee of approximately $4.00 or purchased online at
Attachments: NOTE: many attachments are in pdf form (get Acrobat Reader)
Emotions web
Project Rubric
Handouts: Some lessons may have editable handouts
"What Color Do You Think Of?"
Edit Handout